Category: Snail Mail

Reflection, Encouragement, Inspiration, and Anchoring

Below are six resources I’ve used this summer/fall for reflection, encouragement, inspiration, and anchoring.

“Ask & Answer”: Q3 Reflection Workbook by Nicole Antoinette

On Sunday morning, after a 2-hour reflection video call with Nicole and my fellow retreat friends from January, I sat down and worked through Nicole’s journaling prompts in her Q3 reflection workbook: “Ask & Answer.” Read more

Pop-Up Ukulele Concert: Send Snail Mail to View

On August 15, I had a pop-up ukulele concert, on a whim.

Impromptu and unpracticed, I hit record and played five songs, one after the other.

I shared the concert here on the blog, and sent it directly to some friends and family. It was only available for a day, to mimic the impermanence of a live performance.

Now, I’ve come up with a way to use this little performance to bring more snail mail into the world.

If you’d like to watch the recording from that afternoon, all you need to do is send a piece of snail mail!


  1. Send a piece of stamped mail through the postal service. (Send anything to anyone!)
  2. Take a picture of your outgoing envelope (if this is easily accessible to you).
  3. Send me an email at rebeccarosethering [at] gmail [dot] com to share your outgoing mail, and in return I’ll send you a link to the pop-up concert!

Outgoing Mail: August 2020

For years now, I usually take pictures of my outgoing mail so that I can look back and remember the love shared. Sometimes I’ll take pictures of the letters/postcards I write too, for the documentarian/memoirist in me.

This month, I thought it’d be fun to share the outsides of what I sent out. Perhaps it will inspire you to send a postcard or a letter to a friend!

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