Following that thread, in 2019 I made a handwritten zine called This Zine Isn’t Me. (It’s a Zine). I’ll be delighted to mail you a copy that you can hold in your hands and enjoy with a cozy beverage.
In January 2022 I published another zine called This Zine Makes Roots Visible, which explores themes of experiencing > measuring and the importance of expressing gratitude.
I’m often:
- listening to my intuition
- drinking tea
- connecting with Mother Earth
- thanking those who have had an impact—big or small—in my life
- playfully creating
- looking up; listening; noticing; looking for clues and coincidences
- pursuing my curiosities for the fun of it
- following my Inner Knowing in everyday moments and small decisions
- spreading kindness and practicing patience
- noticing sensations in my body
If you want to learn a little bit more about me, head to [About].
Browse a collection of essays and blog posts written by past-me’s, organized by category, at [Archives].
And for the ebooks, zines, and other handwritten things I’ve created, visit [Word Creations] and [Zines].
I appreciate you being here and wish you an excellent day.
Sending light,