Category: Creating

Introducing: The Encouraging Times

Hello from Flagstaff, mile 575 of 800 on the Arizona Trail, which I’ve been hiking since March 14!

In all of this walking, I’ve had several ideas of projects/creations to pursue in the coming months. One of these ideas is The Encouraging Times, a zine of uplifting stories, which I’ve decided to act on during my brief stay in town–before there’s time for any doubts to fester.

I’m on a library computer and the time is dwindling down, so this will be a brief post–but I encourage you to check out the above link to learn about this project. And then keep your eyes peeled for encouraging actions happening in your community, and send in your own submission!

I hope this post finds you well. Thanks so much for reading, and I’m excited to get back on here late May.

MIndfulness in Plain English Notes 4

[Book Notes] Mindfulness in Plain English

Last month my brother Luke recommended I read “Mindfulness in Plain English” by Ven. Henepola Gunaratana, a straightforward text that teaches Vipassana (Insight) Meditation. (That link goes to a PDF of the full book, by the way.)

It looked right up my alley, so I made it a focus for February, reading a chapter per day or two. To take the information in more slowly, I took notes by hand in my journal. I did this for myself, to be more intentional about the learning and to have a future reference.

Now that the notes exist, I’m sharing them below—in case anyone is looking for a refresher or is curious about this book. To see any page bigger, right click on the image and select “Open Image in New Tab.” Read more