Category: Documenting

2020: The Year in Books

Per usual, books provided great company for me this year. Below I’ve chosen some to recommend; my full Year in Books on Goodreads is here.

Shoutout to

This past summer and fall, I found myself buying a lot more brand new books than my usual—which is all secondhand or library. Following the example of my friend Liz, I bought these all on and stopped buying books on Amazon. (My brother Luke has stopped using Amazon completely; I’m not quite there yet, but am close. PS—If you’re reading and wondering why should you stop shopping at Amazon?, here’s a quick starting place, found from a google.)

So anyway, is neat in that your purchase is made from small, local bookstores. I bought most of mine from Semicolon, a Black- & woman-owned bookshop in Chicago (which I learned of again thanks to Liz). Read more

Before/After: Summer 2019 in Pictures

I’ve been in a slower, hibernation-esque personal season this summer. While my inner-environment has been ever-changing and ungrounded, I found myself getting into many outer-environment projects these past three months: order/calm I can see and touch.

Looking back, this fits right in with how I began the year—watching Netflix’s “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo” and “Home Made Simple” during January and February. Read more

My RMYC Chapter in Six Blog Posts

I’m not back to my computer yet, which has been sitting in my bedroom in Wisconsin since May, but we’ll be reunited in less than two weeks. So as I prepare to transition back into a regular blogging routine, and to give you a taste of what the past six months with Rocky Mountain Youth Corps were like for me, here are a few posts written by myself and fellow corps members: Read more