Category: Documenting

2024: The Year in Podcasts

While I’ve always loved having a documentation of the books I’m reading, podcasts have been a notable force shaping my consciousness for years. This year I want to capture the listens in a post, a bookmark of sorts, that I can look back on and remember a texture of this year.

And, while it doesn’t need to be said, I will make it visible that books and podcasts (easily tracked, measured) were not the main weather system of my year. I spent 5 juicy hours each month in four gatherings with my story/somatics community, plus many more hours interacting on our loamy Mighty Network. (The Loam is a large part of my year.) Ayla Nereo albums were the only music that accompanied me on my drive east. A blessed Fairy Friendship with nearly-daily Marco Polos. The Mountain Lion. The story of Root Living. Relationships with the more-than-human world. Connection with my widest, most loving self (also, The Great Mother). Etc. Read more

2024: The Year in Books

Update on March 2, 2025: I recently learned of StoryGraphs, an alternative to Goodreads, and that Goodreads is owned by Amazon! StoryGraphs was founded and built by Nadia Odunayo, a Black British woman who slowly brought her vision to life. Her platform lets you import from Goodreads, and I like the specificity of recs (one feature, for example: you can filter to avoid books with specific content, which is slick!).

I made a profile on StoryGraphs and will be using that in 2025 to document my reading. Check it out for yourself and see what you think!


Here’s what I read in 2024 on Goodreads.

Since joining the site, I have participated in their “Reading Challenge” each year, where you select a numerical amount in January that you want to read by the end of the year, as I like keeping a record of what I read. I’d have to look back to see at what point I stopped sharing the total # of books read here; the number is irrelevant to me.

While this has been my view for a while, last year I selected “1” as my 2024 Reading Challenge goal on this website, to more closely represent this Inner Truth: it’s about the experience, not the measuring of the experience.

As in, person A could read 30 books this year, and each is a slog that they force themself to finish. This takes a lot of effort (as there wasn’t delight in the process), draining life-force and using up life-hours the person could have been enjoying something they actually like.

Person B could read 20 books this year, 15 books that some part of them thinks they “should” read, in order to be perceived a certain way by others. And 5 books required by some certificate or education degree, chosen by an institution or singular teacher.

Person C could read 5 books this year, each juicy and life-giving. Those 5 could be read in exactly Right Timing, reaching for the book exactly when it feels aligned, going at the pace that feels right in their body, being completely in the experience of reading while reading, (not finishing to finish). You get the idea.

A measurement of one piece of an experience does not tell us the whole experience. Read more

2022: The Year in Books

Here’s everything I read in 2022 on Goodreads. Below are 15 that most touched me in some way.


“The Empath’s Survival Guide” by Judith Orloff

“Body of Health” by Francesca McCartney


“Wild Mercy” by Mirabai Starr

“Caravan of No Despair” by Mirabai Starr

“What My Bones Know” by Stephanie Foo

“Broken Horses” by Brandi Carlile

“Know My Name” by Chanel Miller

“Emotional Inheritance” by Galit Atlas

“Diary of a Psychic” by Sonia Choquette

Lynn Andrews “Medicine Woman” series



“An American Marriage” by Tayari Jones

“Brida” by Paulo Coelho

“The Overstory” by Richard Powers


Graphic Memoirs

“Huda F Are You” by Huda Fammy

“Wash Day Diaries” by Jamila Rowser and Robyn Smith


Past Years in Books:

2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018

2021: The Year in Books

My full Year in Books on Goodreads is here. Of 71 books, I’ve narrowed it down to 14 that most touched me or were most enjoyable for one reason or another:



“Priestdaddy” by Patricia Lockwood
Repeat read of a favorite. This memoir is still gold.

“See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love” by Valarie Kaur

“Crazy Brave” by Joy Harjo

“More Myself” by Alicia Keys
A friend sent me this memoir, and I enjoyably got sucked in, not knowing much at all about Alicia. Synchronistic timing that her life led her to a platform of love, themes seen clearly in her most recent album. Reading this memoir led me to getting some of Alicia’s albums from the library, and her music became the music of my autumn.

“Learning in Public: Lessons for a Racially Divided America from My Daughter’s School” by Courtney E. Martin

“We Are the Luckiest: The Surprising Magic of a Sober Life” by Laura McKowen


Non Fiction

“Braiding Sweetgrass Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants” by Robin Wall Kimmerer
Beautiful, important book. Highly recommend.

“Medicine Woman” by Lynn Andrews
I read maybe four from this series in 2021, and plan to slowly savor them all. Lynn Andrews was a Right Timing discovery for me, and I’m deeply grateful these accounts exist of her inner journeys with the Sisterhood of the Shields.

“Call of the Wild: How We Heal Trauma, Awaken Our Power, and Use it For Good” by Kimberly Ann Johnson
I got introduced to somatic experiencing via Molly Caro May’s work (also highly recommend), and this book provided a solid deeper dive. (If you’re new to somatics / nervous system, this is a great place to start as well.) All humans should get to learn about our nervous systems!

I greatly appreciated Kimberly’s woman-centered book, clear explanations, visual graphics, and real-life examples. She reminds and encourages this counter-cultural and deeply healing modality: slow down, do less, take your time.



“Kindred” by Octavia Butler
I had never read Octavia Butler before, but after this novel, I will definitely read more by her. Goodreads describes the novel as a combination of slave memoir / fantasy / historical fiction.

“The Midnight Library” by Matt Haig
I had seen this on bestseller lists, and was pleased that while it was an enjoyable fast read, it also had me thinking deeper, and many parts stayed with me to mull over in the weeks that followed.

“Silver Sparrow” by Tayari Jones
Saw this book at a thrift shop and went into it blind. I loved how deeply and quickly I was drawn into the lives of the characters, in 1980s Atlanta.


YA Fiction

“Walker of Time” by Helen Hughes Vick
This is the first of a trilogy, which takes place where I’m living—on land that today is called Walnut Canyon National Monument, but which was home to descendants of the present-day Hopi people. The series is a quick, fun read, starring a 14-year-old Hopi boy.

“One Time” by Sharon Creech