Nourishing Interiors

Photo of Rebecca Thering

Intentional Home Organization serving Brattleboro, VT area
Creating spaces that nourish your inner world

Hi, I’m Rebecca.

I help folks tidy to create home spaces that feel good, that nourish.

Because our outer worlds affect our inner worlds.

If You Are…

  • Someone who wants to feel restful and at peace when you’re home.
  • Avoiding that room/pile/closet/space because it feels daunting.
  • Not sure where or how to even begin! You simply know this space doesn’t feel good.
  • Someone who wants help and support from a kind-hearted human who is spatially & somatically aware, and emotionally attuned.

Then I Want You to Know…

It is absolutely possible to transform your space. I help folks evaluate and simplify, leaving you with the essentials which truly nourish you.

And, the blocks to tidying are real. It’s more than a matter of physically organizing items.

Items hold stories, emotion, ties to pasts, ties to imagined futures that didn’t come to be, memories of relationships, and comfort.

Each time you look at these items/spaces, there is a true energy drain on your system.

I understand these ties, which is why I provide emotional and somatic support throughout the process. 

These spaces actually have the potential to fill you up each time you look at them. To ground and nourish you.

When your space begins to reflect your present, you will feel the difference internally each and every day.

Lighter. Brighter. A new spaciousness. 

(There’s a reason MariKondo calls it life-changing magic!)


There are lots of ways working together could look. Perhaps…

  • You want someone to come in and organize your belongings in a space (without getting rid of things),
  • You’d like to spend a few hours together to get the momentum started on an org project, then continue on alone at your own pace, 
  • You’d like help going through items with intention, and have the space organized — a whole project, start to finish,

…or something in between, I would be honored to help you.


1) Set Clear Intentions

Upon arriving at your space, I provide a free assessment & intention-setting (30-60 mins). We look at the space together and I listen to what you’re seeking. We set a clear intention together.


2) Choose What Stays

Then, using your intention, we go through your items and sort into piles. We do this together, as you are your own authority. I’ll cue you to tune into your body / Inner Knowing, and you’ll build this muscle.

If you’re continuing the project on your own, I’ll leave you feeling supported and encouraged.


3) Organize

If we’re doing a start-to-finish project, next I will organize your ‘keep’ items, using what you have, into a balanced arrangement which takes into account your frequency of use.

I am excellent at performing this step on my own, though you are certainly welcome to join.


Before/After Room Org

See before/after photos of past projects here!



$25-60/hr, Sliding Scale
I offer a sliding scale, to be accessible to folks with different economic backgrounds.

Our hourly rhythm includes bio-breaks, as we are mammals with biological needs.

Payment is received at the close of each day’s session. I accept cash, check, Venmo, and Paypal.


Generally available Thursdays & Saturdays, between 9-4.

Unwanted Items:

I will gladly take a load of pass-along items to Experienced Goods, whatever can fit in my SUV.

Clients are responsible for their trash/recycling removal.

I do not sell items online for clients.
(Though if you want to learn to do this yourself, I will gladly walk you through it at our hourly rate. I can show you how to make a Front Porch Forum post or Craigslist post. I teach with patience, clarity, and kindness.)

A Note on Readiness:

There is a readiness that comes.

Perhaps that closet has been on your periphery for years. When there is capacity, when there is a readiness, you will know.

If someone else has kindly nudged you towards my work, or you’re feeling pressured with “shoulds,” I invite you to pause and take a breath.

Check in with yourself: Does it feel right to work with me at this particular time?

If you’re getting a full-body yes, I would love to hear from you!

Trust your knowing. All Timing Right Timing.

More About Me…

My Specialties:

Emotional Support. I fall under the neurodivergent umbrella as a Highly-Sensitive Person (HSP). This makes me very attuned to subtle energies, sounds, lights, smells, and it’s a big part of my gift at transforming interiors. (Note: For folks with chemical sensitivity, I do not wear scents. As a sensitive person myself, I cannot work in smoking homes or around toxic cleaners.)

I am aware of the sacredness of our homes, and the possible vulnerability to let someone see your things, your past, your emotions. I have a grounded, compassionate presence. I am in your home, helping to create a space that feels good to you.

Somatic awareness. I have been deeply immersed in the worlds of Somatic Experiencing / nervous system regulation since 2021, which is to say, I am trauma-informed and will provide that care throughout. Even if you don’t know what your nervous system is, I’ll be picking up on subtle cues and respond accordingly to make it a gentle experience for both of us.

My Why:

Your outer world affects your inner.
Your inner world affects your outer.

I help cultivate more peace in the world by providing a sanctuary within your home – spaces that give you life force, spaces that invite you to rest, spaces that feel good. (And yes, this includes closets and basements – all of our daily spaces affect us!)

When our homes provide nourishment, we have more kindness, patience, and compassion for our relationships and daily interactions. It all ripples out. Everything affects everything.

Furthermore, we spread joy by passing along items to folks who can eagerly put them to use today.

Those “someday” paints that have been sitting in the closet for 10 years are warmly welcomed by the new neighbor who is painting today.

That forgotten old set of torn sheets are a burst of fresh energy to the person in your community who is joyfully making rag rugs,

So many energetic ripples that can come from a simple closet deep-clean!

The Longer Story:

I spent my childhood in Wisconsin, but my young-adulthood and now mid-adulthood involved living situations which made me very aware of my material belongings: seasonal jobs (moving every 6-months or every year, living in furnished places), four years abroad (two suitcases for the year each time), not having a vehicle until I turned 30, conservation & trail work (incl. 6 months living in a tent w/ 1 backpack) and long hikes.

Different life seasons brought different needs and interests. I was able to experientially feel how different objects affected my energy, and how new colors/books/surroundings etc. invited in new versions of myself. Humans are so fluid, always becoming. I learned that with intention, I can cultivate home spaces that nourish the me who is here today.

Throughout my life, I’d regularly reorganize the furniture in my bedroom—about every half year or quarter. Each new arrangement provided a huge energetic boost.

So these are the superpowers: organization, creativity, intention, energetic sensitivity. But why offer this service to others? My body loves transforming spaces.

After a challenging healing journey that began with grief in 2019—mixed in with trauma, nervous system dysregulation, high sensitivity, and other elements which can’t be summarized in a simple phrase, but which kept me isolated and generally “not in the world”—I emerged from that dark night of the soul five years later with a new way of being: I will trust my joy, I will trust my body (the Earth). I will follow what feels good! And I will weave into an in-person community.

And so, while I had organized spaces my entire life—for friends, family, and at places of work—after moving to Vermont in the fall of 2024 (my gentle emergence back into the world), I answered a Front Porch Forum request for help organizing a basement. I loved it! And the woman I’d helped was thrilled! And she found many items that others in the community could put to use! Win-win-win.

Each time I transform & organize a space, bubbles of life-force flow through my body and the space. It’s magical!

Is it possible to do work that aligns so well with my spirit/life force? I believe it is, and am finding out by offering this via Front Porch—a visibility which takes courage for this body.

Contact: Please reply to the Front Porch email with your phone number, and we can chat. I’ll also see emails to rebeccarosethering [at] gmail [dot] com.