Tiny Project Challenge

Alexandra Franzen is hosting another Tiny Project Challenge, a gentle push to do a small (tiny!) “project” in the next few days. She’s giving away prizes (woah!) via a drawing from people who finish a project by August 10, 2019—but you can do a tiny project any day! Completing one is reward in and of itself, I promise.

Why do a tiny project of this nature?

To create a little light in the world. A tiny bit of love, the smallest drop of beauty.

To reconnect with the creative powers inside of you through a small (20 minutes or less!) project.

And because it will lift someone up. (Note: That doesn’t mean you have to create something for someone else—you are a someone; you can give yourself a boost through a tiny project.)

Here are 15 tiny project ideas from Alex.


My entry was an encouraging letter to our local Ice Age Trail Alliance, who are doing meaningful work to a) create and protect a 1,000-mile trail along Ice Age formations through Wisconsin, and b) make that trail a place where all people can “enjoy and embrace the unique natural landscapes and cultural histories of Wisconsin, while finding physical and mental renewal in a peaceful setting and an enduring spiritual connection to the land.”


The beautiful watercolor card is a Sarah Van Der Linden creation.


If Alex’s challenge sparks you to do a tiny something, please do share below! We’d all love to see the stone you’ve tossed into the pond, and imagine the ripples it sends outward.